Turing Scheme

The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s global programme to study and work abroad. It provides funding for those individuals undertaking education and training in the UK to go on study or work placements across the world.

A line of different countries' flags hung up in front of a window

Turing Scheme regulations state the duration of study or work placements must be from 28 days to a maximum of 12 months.

Turing Scheme funding - year/semester abroad in 2023/24

We are pleased that University of Sheffield's application for Turing funding for 2023/24 was successful. We have notified eligible students of their funding entitlement for 2023/24 and all funding has now been allocated.

Turing Scheme funding - year/semester abroad in 2024/25

Grant rates and funding

The Turing Scheme offers two types of grants: 

  • Standard Cost of Living Grants 
  • Disadvantaged Backgrounds Grants (including a Travel Grant) 

Turing Scheme grant rates for 2023/24 are available here, grant rates for 2024/25 will be shared as soon as they are available. 


Students who spend a year/semester abroad as part of their degree in 2024/25 and who either (i) have a household income within the upper threshold for a UK Student Finance means tested student loan (most recently set in £62,347 for 2024-25 for Student Finance England) or (ii) who meet Turing Scheme criteria for widening access. Study, work and voluntary placements are eligible to receive funding under the scheme.

When will the funding be available

First payments of Turing Scheme funding are made when you confirm your arrival at your host organisation. 

Additional information

We will share further updates and information in our Global Opportunities student newsletter and in pre-departure briefings. Please also note:

  • All students who would like to be considered for a Turing Scheme grant in 2024/25 must complete an application form by 30 April 2024.
  • For home students, records from Student Finance England/Scotland/Wales/NI will be used to assess household income, please ensure you submit your application for maintenance loan funding in 2024/25 on time to ensure you can be considered for a Turing Scheme grant. 
  • For international students, or other students who are not able to be assessed for a Student Finance maintenance loan, you should complete the above referenced application form and Global Opportunities will contact you to request further financial evidence. 
  • Further information on requirement documents and evidence will be provided to eligible claimants.  Grants will only be paid if all the requirements are met. 

Global Opportunities run a Fees and Funding Session information session on the 20th March 2024 for students going abroad during the 2024/2025 academic year. Please email globalopps@sheffield.ac.uk to ask for a copy of the recording and presentation slides.

A global reputation

Sheffield is a research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.